Sunday, January 27, 2008

Great site for finding new music

I found this great music site the other day while randomly searching the web for any word which comes into my head (like I do).

It started by doing a search for 'Web 2.0', now let me get one thing straight, I absolutley hate buzzwords but curiosity finally got the better of me and I felt the urge to explore :). I found this great site called Musicmesh Basically you type in the name of a band you already like and are presented graphically with some of the CDs by that band, it then shows you other bands that are similiar to the band you searched for. You can play play the songs from those CDs as long as the song has a video on Youtube and I constantly amazed at how much stuff can be found on Youtube. I've enjoyed using the site so much I've had to take a break from it because my wishlist is getting too long ;)

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